The Future of Education in an AI-Infused World


Curriculum: Moving Beyond Content is King

Relevance Over Rote Learning

Interdisciplinary Learning

Skills for the Future

Assessments: From Exams to Real-World Applications

The Flaws of Exam-Centric Assessment

Focusing on the Process of Learning

Making Learning Visible

  • Project-Based Learning: Where students work on real-world projects that require them to apply their knowledge and skills.
  • Portfolios: Collections of a student’s work over time, showcasing their progress, strengths, and areas for improvement.
  • Presentations: Allowing students to explain their thought processes, defend their ideas, and receive feedback from peers and educators.
  • Peer Assessments: Encouraging students to evaluate each other’s work, fostering collaboration and critical thinking.

Grades: Shifting the Focus to Learning

Integrating AI: Redefining Learning and Eliminating Concerns About Cheating

AI as a Learning Tool, Not a Cheating Shortcut

Learning How to Learn with AI

Real-World Applications and Ethical Use

Transforming the Role of Educators

Conclusion: Embracing Change for a Brighter Future

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