Dr. Shannon H. Doak provides educational institutions, businesses, and individuals educational technology speaking and consultant services. If you are interested in booking a speaking engagement or would like to discuss consultant work please contact him here.
He can speak on a number of topics including, AI in Education, Custom-built Chatbots for Learning, Professional Learning Networks the Future of Professional Development, Podcasting in the Classroom, Chromebooks in the Educational Environment, Google Suite for Education, iPads in the Classroom and many other topics related to educational technology.
He offers consulting services including educational technology needs assessments, online learning platforms and implementation, professional development improvement and a number of other topics related to the field of improving learning through the authentic use of technology.
Keynotes and Presentations Given

What People have said.

At the 2014 Internationalism of Basic Education Conference, hosted by the National Center for Curriculum Study and Textbook Development (NCCT) of the China Ministry of Education. Dr. Doak was a Keynote speaker. His talk was titled: Technology Integration for Education.
Keynote talk “Building a Positive Digital Footprint” (Hawaii Preparatory Academy Parents Weekend 2017)
Workshops and Presentations
Workshop: Podcasting in the Classroom (North Hawaii EdTech Summit
Parent Education Session: “Digital Drama” Co-presented (Hawaii Preparatory Academy)
Workshop Chrome Can: Chromebooks for Creativity and Collaboration. (North Hawaii EdTech Summit)
Parent Education Session: “Social Media, Gaming, & Mental Health ” Co-presented (Hawaii Preparatory Academy)
Artistic Innovators and Inventors (EdTech GZ Conference 2016)
Artistic Innovators and Inventors (21CHLHK Conference 2016)
Blogging in the Early Years (ISKL iPad Conference 2014)
Yammer is it right for me? (PD session conducted at AISG for Teaching Assistants)
Ending the Email Avalanche with Yammer (21st Century Learning Conference HK)
Keynote Talk titled “Technology Integration for Education” held at the 2014 Internationalism of Basic Education Conference, hosted by the National Center for Curriculum Study and Textbook Development (NCCT) of the China Ministry of Education.
Surviving the Email Avalanche (21CLHK Conference 2015)
Bauer, R., & Doak, S., & Murphy, R. (2014 March) Transforming the classroom through technology integration, SUNY 2014. Lecture conducted from The American International School of Guangzhou, Guangzhou, GD. (College Level Weekend Workshop for Faculty and Administration. Participants can earn 1 credit from SUNY)
Consulting Clients

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